The 6th China Cigar Festival 2017 to be organized by
2017 seems to be a remarkable year in China cigar history, China cigar industry started from nil, regardless of tobacco material, fermentation, formula, rolling, packaging and sales etc., we all have witnessed enormous progress. Nevertheless, following the rising of China cigar industry and the increasing of China cigar consumers, a large amount of fake cigars emerged to the market as well. Close attention needed by industrial authorization, local manufactories, retailers, as well as consumers in this regard. In order to fit the Chinese cigar market better, promote sales of Chinese cigars , standardize cigar market and crack down on fake cigars, The 6th China Cigar Festival 2017 will have a China Cigar Expo ,which hosted by Shenzhen Tobacco Bureau .
The 6th China Cigar Festival will be in largest scale in terms of consumer’s area, various activities such as seminars, cigar & golf, Big Smoke party, cigar tasting, gala dinners and so on will be held in ShangHai, FuZhou and ShenZhen. We welcome all the China cigar factorys,cigar distributors and smokers gather in ShenZhen to attend the China Cigar Expo hosted by Shenzhen Tobacco Bureau. And also,we have invited specialists and entrepreneurs from around the world, such as Mr. Carlito Fuente of Fente Cigar to present at our Fuente Gala Dinner.
This is going to be 6th China Cigar Festival which organized by < Cigar Ambassador> magazine, we are dedicated in promoting cigar culture, helping develop China cigar industry, meet the needs of China cigar consumers.If you want more information,please pay close attention to our microblog and official website.